The School Council is a very important part of our school and is made up of two elected pupils from each class. Through the school council the children learn about the process of democratically electing a representative by using a fair voting system. They also learn that democracy isn’t perfect and you don’t always get the representative you voted for!
In September each year, a new council is elected and prospective candidates campaign by writing and delivering a speech to their class. The class then takes part in a secret ballot and the winners are duly elected.
The children understand that they are representing all the children in their class so must put everyone’s views and ideas forward at council meetings. It is a great opportunity for children to learn about the importance of responsibility and leadership.
School Councillors join committees that they feel they can contribute well to. We have a range of committees such as the Values Committee which is currently writing our ‘Trust Us Too’ pupil values booklet with children from our other MAT schools, to our Bridge committee which looks at how we can work alongside children in the infant school. The council also raises money for charity and aims to do good work in the community.
Visit to Ash Lodge Care Home
This year the School Council have raised money to provide and serve afternoon tea to the residents of Ash Lodge Care Home. The children enjoyed chatting and sharing cakes with the residents and new friendships we formed. We look forward to visiting again soon.
Visit to Parliament
Alongside one of our partner schools we took a trip to the Houses of Parliament. The children received a tour of Parliament and watched a debate about the National Health Service in the House of Commons. It was a long way to London and back, but it was well worth it for the experience of seeing politics in action in our capital city.
Visit to the Mayor’s Office
To help further the Council’s understanding of the role of Council Leader, the children visited the Mayor’s Parlour at the Big House in Smethwick. The children were able to see and even try on the mayoral robes and chains!