We are only running Sports Clubs at the moment.
Sports Clubs
Sports clubs run from Monday to Thursday 3.30-4.30pm. Activities change each term to give the pupils a chance to try different sports such as badminton, cricket, basketball and multi-sports.
Homework Clubs
Our excellent librarian, Mrs Clements runs our homework clubs and these provides an opportunity for children to find resources and get help from an adult if they need it. Each year group has a separate club which are on the following days: Monday – Year 5; Tuesday Year 6; Wednesday Year 3 and Thursday Year 4. The clubs run from 3.30-4.15. Parents are asked to book this club through the main office on a weekly basis.
Music Clubs
We also offer the following music clubs: String Orchestra (an invitation only club to further the skills of the children receiving addition music lessons), Steel Pans, and Singing Club. These clubs run with the same children for a whole year, however places occasionally become available after the school year has started.
Football Club
The Year 6 football team is run by Mr Jarrett and Mr Baker and is open to boys and girls. Training takes place during the lighter months of the year. Pupils are very keen to get a place on the school team and play against other local schools.
Other Clubs
Teachers run clubs a different times throughout the year so there are often opportunities to join in with a range of other activities such as Art/Textiles or Maths clubs.