The intent for Religious Education at Devonshire Junior is to provide a broad and balanced platform enabling children to explore a variety of religious belief systems -including non-religious life- and the way they impact on people’s lives.
There is a clear conceptual approach at the heart of the syllabus, whereby all units enable pupils to ‘make sense’ of the religions and beliefs studied, ‘understand the impact’ of these beliefs in people’s lives, and to ‘make connections’ in their learning and their wider experience of the world. The three-fold aim implies an active and connected pedagogy. Children will be given in-depth information on religious practices, iconography and traditions, which will encourage reflection and thought-provoking critical class discussion on the meaning of religious belief, within the framework of British values and community cohesion. The focus will be on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as part of the school’s approach to values education; this is reinforced through our programmes of school and class assemblies and through extracurricular activities like Debate Club. Learning through a variety of creative media, children will develop interpretative and analytical skills which will give them a good foundation in this curriculum area and enable the progression of knowledge and skills as directed by the Sandwell Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2018 – 2023.